Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Letters from Kirby at the MTC

I'm sorry friends for the
Lack of updates. I had hoped for some new pictures from Kirby but they just aren't coming. I will give some insights from the letters that I have received.
Letter 1 01/03/2013
"Today was my first full day at the MTC. As soon as you guys left it was all work from there.They kept us busy all the way until 9:30that night., and then it was time to unpack. During our Mock teaching experience, the class was teaching an Asian man. This man comes up to us and says "Are you Japanese?" the sister that responded said "No, I just have small eyes." And of coarse I was laughing the loudest! Anyways class is going well. I'm extremely grateful for taking Russian 101 at school. Huge blessing from the Lord. Tonight District Leaders and Senior Companions were assigned. And sure enough I was assigned District Leader. I actually was not surprised by this at all. There are a total of 10 of us including myself. All is well. Be Happy. Blessings come thru Obedience. Pray, scripture study, kindness, Love one another. I love you all.       
 Elder Kirby Fausnaught
Letter 2 01/14/2013
Yo, Yo, Yo! MTC is fun. I'm extremely Happy to hear about Manny. (Manny is his childhood bestfriend who was baptised on 01/12/2013.) What a miracle. So today was P day and I went to the temple. When I got to the Celestial Room it was nice but it felt different not having my family there. But, I was happy and felt  joy to know that when this takes place for real. I know my family will be there. And, we will all be together for eternity. Then I started thinking how exciting it will be to come thru and sit here with my wife and after this life, reside in the Celestial Kingdom with her. FAMILY IS JOY!!We learn this in the temple. By the way I have gained 5lbs!! Oh yeah! I LOVE YOU and I'M LEARNING A TON.
Elder Kirby Fausnaught
Letter 3 01/17/2013
Wow, these days are starting to fly by. It is so intense here. I am really learning that I can't do anything myself, for I am weak. I require the Lords help in all that I do. Even in seemingly small tasks such as memorizing a Russian phrase or planning for the next day. Things of worth for my time. D&C 15:6 "Now behold I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto thy people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my father." I've heard countless teachers even Elder Jeffery Holland attribute everything good in their life came because of their Mission.This is the time to go forth. The time for reaping of the feilds. I was foreordained for this work, foreordained to be a missionary for this time. I love you so very much mom and dad. And I am so Happy about Manny! So proud and happy Brady and Eric were able to have the experience with Manny. I Love you all. Elder Kirby Fausnaught

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Elder Jared Kirby Fausnaught

Wensday January 2,2013
Well folks time finally arrived for Kirby to go on to the MTC. I believe that it is so much harder on the family than for the missionary. I just wanted to post some PICS for anyone interested.
I really cant believe how quicly time goes by.
These are tender moments.

And we are at the MTC. His last couple of words to his brother were "Is this really happening?"
"Yes, Brother you are a Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" 

Friday, December 28, 2012

I Love to See the Temple

Oh how I love the Temple! We went to the temple last night with our two sons. Such an exciting vibe. I bet our family on the other side of veil was just brimming with excitement. Such a beautiful and profound moment when in the Celestial
room my husband and I and nana and papa anxiously awaited for our beautiful sons to be joined with us. The greetings within that special place on earth as we joined in hugs and kisses
were a glimpse of heaven on earth. It was Celestial Bliss!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

So very Exciting...Temple Plans

We have scheduled Kirby and Bradys Temple Trip. It is so awesome that they are able to go together and share with each other this beautiful and profound moment.  The date is December 27,2012 at 8pm at the Birmingham Alabama Temple. Alittle bit of background.. Kirby will be serving his mission in the ST.Petersburg Russian Mission and will report to the MTC Jan 2, 2013. And, Brady will be serving in the Adriatic North Mission and reports on March 27, 2013. This is such a wonderful and humbling time for my beautiful family.